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As States Move to Expand Medicaid, GOP Keeps Pushing Repeal

By May 31, 2018No Comments

Washington, D.C. – Today, “exclusive details” of the GOP’s new repeal bill were reported in the Washington Examiner, just a day after Virginia’s bipartisan expansion of Medicaid. Protect Our Care Campaign Chair Leslie Dach released the following statement in response:

“Less than 24 hours after Virginia moved to expand Medicaid, and as Idaho and Utah continue to move to place Medicaid expansion on the ballot this November, Washington Republicans are touting their latest health care repeal plan, taking health care away from millions of Americans and raising costs for millions more.Their newest effort is modeled after the worst of last year’s repeal bills, Graham-Cassidy, and guts the very Medicaid expansion that Virginia embraced yesterday, ends protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and imposes an age tax on older Americans. Enough is enough – it’s time for President Trump and Congressional Republicans to end their war on Americans’ health care.”