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Yesterday, Biden selected Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Brooks-LaSure previously served as a senior CMS official during the Obama administration and was instrumental in implementing the Affordable Care Act. Coverage shows she is a strong health care advocate with the experience needed to expand access to health care coverage, make care more affordable, and get the pandemic under control. 

Politico: Brooks-LaSure “Will Play A Leading Role In Crafting Biden’s Plans To Expand On The Health Care Law — And Unwind Much Of The Trump Administration’s Efforts To Minimize It.” “Brooks-LaSure, an Obama administration veteran who oversaw implementation of Obamacare, if confirmed will play a leading role in crafting Biden’s plans to expand on the health care law – and unwind much of the Trump administration’s efforts to minimize it.” [Politico, 2/17/21

Brooks-LaSure Helped Draft The Affordable Care Act As A Health Staffer On The House Ways And Means Committee. “Prior to her stint in the Obama administration, she worked on parts of Obamacare during the law’s drafting as a health staffer on the House Ways and Means Committee. It was there she forged working ties with then-Rep. Xavier Becerra, Biden’s nominee to run the health department that houses CMS.” [Politico, 2/17/21

CNN: “Brooks-LaSure Would Be A Key Player In Executing Biden’s Promises To Rebuild The Affordable Care Act And Strengthen Medicaid.” “Brooks-LaSure would be a key player in executing Biden’s promises to rebuild the Affordable Care Act and strengthen Medicaid — as well as institute a government-run public option and lower Medicare’s eligibility age to 60, from 65. The $1 trillion agency, the largest within HHS, oversees much of Obamacare and the federal exchange, In total, more than 145 million Americans receive their health coverage through programs the agency administers, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Affordable Care Act.” [CNN, 2/17/21

CNN: “Brooks-LSure Would Be Tasked With Reversing Many Of The Policies Put In Place By Her Predecessor, Seema Verma.” “Brooks-LaSure would be tasked with reversing many of the policies put in place by her predecessor, Seema Verma, who served as the agency’s administrator for nearly four years. Under Verma’s tenure, CMS slashed funding for Obamacare marketing and outreach, cut the open enrollment period in half and promoted the use of private insurance brokers over non-profit navigators to help people find coverage.” [CNN, 2/17/21

Stat: “Brooks-LaSure Is Well-Positioned To Pursue One Of Biden’s Signature Campaign Promises: Strengthening And Expanding The Affordable Care Act.” “Brooks-LaSure is well-positioned to pursue one of Biden’s signature campaign promises: strengthening and expanding the Affordable Care Act. She was a key drafter of the law as a staffer on the House Ways and Means Committee. Brooks-LaSure later held high-profile positions in two offices tasked with implementing the ACA: the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight and the Office of Health Reform.” [Stat, 2/17/21

Stat: Brooks-LaSure Would “Inherit An Agency Dogged By Countless Controversies During The Trump Administration.” “Brooks-LaSure would also inherit an agency dogged by countless controversies during the Trump administration. Many centered on the former CMS administrator, Seema Verma, who pursued policies that transformed the agency’s mission and repeatedly landed it in court. Brooks-LaSure would inherit those lawsuits, most notably a Supreme Court case set to be argued in March challenging the agency’s new policy of denying health coverage to unemployed Medicaid beneficiaries.” [Stat, 2/17/21