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HHS SECRETARY AZAR: “I really do not believe it will have a significant impact on our risk pool, the repeal of that..I don’t see the premium effect.” [Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, 5/10/18]

EX-HHS SECRETARY TOM PRICE: “There are many, and I am one of them, who believes that that actually will harm the pool in the exchange market because you’ll likely have individuals who are younger and healthier not participating in that market. And, consequently, that drives up the cost for other folks in that market.” [World Health Care Congress speech, 5/1/18]

VIRGINIA INSURANCE COMPANIES: “Both Cigna and CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield cited policies advocated by the Trump administration, including the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate, as part of its justifications for the increases. Cigna is proposing an average premium increase of 15 percent for its 103,264 customers in Virginia, with a range of increases from 6.4 percent to 40 percent. CareFirst is proposing a 64 percent increase for its approximately 4,500 customers in the commonwealth, citing an increase in sicker people entering the marketplace.” [The Hill, 5/4/18]

CONGRESSMAN DON BEYER (D-VA): “Come to Virginia, where premiums will soar by up to 64% because of sabotage by your boss and your agency, and say that again. Maryland too. Have you looked, or talked to actual people?” [Twitter, 5/11/18]