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New Polling: Voters Reject Republican Repeal

Every day that goes by, rejection of the GOP’s health care repeal gets worse.

It’s already clear that experts who know health care the best — doctors, nurses, patient advocates, disease groups, seniors’ groups, etc. — all know the bill will make health care far worse with cuts to coverage, higher premiums and deductibles and fewer protections for people, including those with pre-existing conditions.

New polling this weekend makes clear the deep rejection of the GOP’s health care repeal with all kinds of voters.

By a 2-to-1 margin (50% — 24%), people prefer the Affordable Care Act over the GOP’s repeal according to the newly released Washington Post/ABC poll.

  • With moderates, 55% of people support the Affordable Care Act and only 15% support the GOP’s repeal and only 20% of independents support the GOP’s plan.
  • Voters intensely oppose repeal with 37% of people strongly preferring the Affordable Care Act and only 18% strongly preferring the GOP’s repeal.
  • The opposition continues even with voters 65+ (44–29), and white voters (38–31).

Most Americans (61%) have an unfavorable view of the GOP’s health care repeal plan according to the July Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.

  • More than four in ten (44%) have a very unfavorable view.
  • Opposition grew from 55% last month to 61% this month.
  • Nearly three-quarter of Americans (71%) would rather Republicans in Congress work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act, not repeal it, while only 23% want them to continue on this path towards repeal.

The newly released Bloomberg poll shows voters rejecting President Trump’s health care agenda — with only 28% approving of his health care work while 64% of voters disapprove.

  • Health care is the top issue with voters. 35% of voters say it’s the most important issue — nearly 3 times more than the next most important issue.

In Iowa, 58% of voters oppose Congressional Republicans on health care while only 29% support it according to the new Des Moines Register poll. The opposition grows to 63% with Independents.