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President Biden Heads to North Carolina to Tout Lower Costs and Outline Vision to Build on Health Care Victories

By March 26, 2024No Comments

Washington DC — Today, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are headed to North Carolina to celebrate all of the progress that the administration has made to expand and protect affordable health care. Specifically, they will point to record enrollment under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), lower premiums for people who buy coverage on their own, and prescription drug savings for millions of Americans. President Biden will also outline plans to further expand affordable health care for people across North Carolina and the nation. 

North Carolina is a pivotal state in discussing President Biden’s health care accomplishments. Last year, North Carolina passed Medicaid expansion, extending access to affordable health care to an estimated 600,000 people. Democratic Governor Roy Cooper fought tirelessly for expansion, making it one of his central priorities since taking office in 2017. As of March 5, over 385,000 North Carolinians are covered thanks to Medicaid expansion. 

Meanwhile, Republicans are continuing their fight to reverse all of the progress made by Democrats and the Biden-Harris administration. Trump has escalated his threats to repeal the ACA while Republican lawmakers and their allies are working overtime to dismantle reproductive care, hike premiums, slash Medicare and Medicaid, reverse recent coverage gains, and raise prescription drug costs for the American people. 

In response, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement: 

“President Biden and Vice President Harris visiting North Carolina is no coincidence. Just last year, North Carolina became the 40th state to expand Medicaid thanks to the hard work of Governor Cooper, Democratic lawmakers, and advocates. As a result, hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians now have access to lifesaving care. North Carolinians are directly benefiting from President Biden’s lower cost, better care agenda and today’s event will underscore just how important the issue of health care is as we inch closer to November. The Biden administration has delivered on their promises, and they are just getting started. 

“Republicans, on the other hand, are singing the same old song. After years of obstructing Medicaid expansion in North Carolina, they still want to take health care away from hardworking families. They want to raise prescription drug costs, repeal the ACA, slash Medicaid, and make it harder for people to make ends meet. There are two distinct visions for health care in America and, as more people benefit from affordable health care championed by Democrats, it’s unbelievable that anyone would want to go backward.”


Democrats Delivered Lower Health Care Costs, and Now a Record Number of Americans Were Able to Purchase Quality and Affordable Health Care Through the ACA. A record-breaking 21.4 million Americans signed up for coverage with 80 percent of people able to find coverage through the Marketplace for $10 or less per month. The ACA has generated record savings and improved access to care and financial security for families. 

The Actions President Biden and Congressional Democrats Have Taken on Health Care Are Extremely Popular. Navigator polling from October 2023 reveals that voters view lowering drug costs as President Biden’s #1 accomplishment. The poll specifically named giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug costs and capping insulin costs for seniors at $35 per month, which were both included in the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Voters Support Democratic Priorities on Health Care, Like Expanding Medicare’s Power to Negotiate Drug Prices and Capping Insulin Costs for Everyone. Navigator polling from February 2024 found that voters overwhelmingly support liberal health care policies, particularly expanding the prescription drug savings in the Inflation Reduction Act. 

Republicans Are Escalating Their War On Health Care. Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump sabotaged affordable health care and pre-existing condition protections while he was in office, and has renewed his calls to “terminate” the ACA at least seven times over the last several months.

The GOP FY 2025 Budget Resolution Includes More Than $2 Trillion in Cuts to Mandatory Health Spending, Which Largely Reflects Drastic Cuts to Medicaid. Additionally, the GOP budget includes a proposal to institute work requirements for Medicaid and an attack on Medicare drug price negotiations in the guise of supporting “medical innovation.”

More North Carolinians’ Lives Will Be Saved. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Medicaid expansion saved the lives of at least 19,200 older adults aged 55 to 64 between 2014 and 2017. A study published in the Journal of Health Economics found that Medicaid expansion reduced mortality in non-elderly adults by nearly four percent. Medicaid expansion is already insuring over 365,000 North Carolinians, saving them millions of dollars and increasing access to quality and affordable health care.