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REALITY CHECK: GOP is Losing, Bigly, On Medicare

By October 10, 2018No Comments

Despite what President Trump may have claimed in his op-ed today, his political argument is as divorced from reality as the facts are. There’s no reality where voters view the GOP as defenders of Medicare and protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

For those who don’t care about the lies he’s making and are only interested in whether it’s working, it’s also failing, bigly, according to the newly released POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

REALITY: Democrats have a 25-point advantage on party trust to protect Medicare.

REALITY: Voters know the Obama administration did the best it could with health care (57% to 38%) while they believe the Trump administration is not (36%-57%).

REALITY: Voters overwhelmingly back expansion of Medicaid in their state by 41 points (61%-20%).