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Second Study Confirms Trump Health Care Proposals A Disaster

By February 28, 2018No Comments

Today, Avalere released a new study finding that the Trump Administration’s proposed Association Health Plans rule will increase premiums in the individual marketplace as much as 4% while reducing the enrollment in Affordable Care Act plans by 3 million. Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement in response:

“This is the second study in three days to conclude that the sabotage agenda being pushed by Donald Trump and his Administration will have massive negative consequences on Americans’ care,” said Woodhouse. “People will lose their coverage, premiums will rise across the board, and the marketplace will become even more jumbled, all while the Administration sits back and continues to play political games. It’s time for President Trump and Congressional Republicans to work with Democrats on real solutions to expand access and bring down costs for Americans rather than continuing to push their partisan sabotage efforts. Enough is enough – it’s time for the Trump Administration and Republicans in Congress to end their war on health care.”